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I’m 11w 1d today and I just got a fetal doppler. I haven’t been able to find baby’s heartbeat yet. I know it’s still early to find the heartbeat with a doppler but I’m constantly worried about baby. I haven’t had many symptoms since around 7 weeks. I had an appointment at 8 weeks and saw baby on an ultrasound and the doctor told me heartbeat looked steady. My next appointment isn’t for another week. I put the doppler away and decided not to try again for atleast a week. But does anyone else spend everyday in fear of how baby is doing in there?
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I do! �� I also have a Doppler and have not been able to find the heartbeat yet and I’ll be 13 weeks tomorrow �� makes me scared as I’m starting to lose symptoms also. But as much as that makes me anxious I just try to stay positive and not stress myself out and remind myself baby is still so little! No appt for me until Jan 17! It’s been a hard month for sure. Hang in there ��
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I found it first at 10+6 and then couldn’t for few days I’m 11+6 today and now that baby is above my pubic bone it’s been easier to find but they are so small so don’t stress too much they are just comfy in there hanging out
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I’ve only recently been able to find the heartbeat at 14 weeks! and baby will move far enough away where I can’t pick it up again still lol I’ve only been able to pick up for maybe 15-20 seconds at a time
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yes and same. Can’t find it. Watched YouTube and some said they spent 30 mins before they found it. It’s still so early and hard to detect. Hang in there
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I just was able to find mine at 14 weeks today.
Last week at my Dr appointment it took him a few minutes to find it even.
But yes I’m always nervous about how they are doing until I can feel them move. Don’t stress too much, stress and anxiety makes it harder in baby.
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with my first, i was 12 weeks when i could hear his heartbeat. but now with my second i first heard heartbeat at 9 weeks. i will be 11 weeks tomorrow.
are you putting the wand on just above your pubic area? and you are just lightly putting it on your skin? when you are using it are you able to hear your own heartbeat? whooshing noises?
and for symptoms, it's very normal for them to fluctuate. i have had nausea since week 7 and i think it finally going.
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I’m 12w6d and haven’t used my Doppler because I don’t trust I’ll be able to find it even though everything is okay, it will only send me spiralling. I leave it to the professionals ��
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