Special Investigations Division (2024)


The Special Investigations Division is multi-faceted, engaging in drug, gangs, homicide and robbery investigations. Each facet specializes in one or more of the following: prevention, intervention, and suppression. Additional missions involve the Career Apprehension Team (CCAT) whose targets are career criminals, and the Violent Crimes Detail which is a general investigative unit that handles crimes against persons.

On This Page
Crimes Against Persons
  • C.C.A.T.
  • Homicide Detail
  • Robbery Detail
  • Violent Crimes Detail
Drug Investigations


  • Gang Faqs



The CCAT Detail consists of highly trained detectives who conduct investigations targeting career criminals. These detectives investigate major felonies and conduct sting operations after recognizing a pattern of crimes. They manage informants and work closely with law enforcement agencies throughout the country.

Contact Numbers and Hours:

CCAT Main Line - (562) 570-7231, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday
Fax Line - (562) 570-5063


The Homicide Detail is responsible for investigating all homicides, officer-involved shooting cases, kidnap cases, dead body cases, special accidents, and in-custody deaths. This detail is also responsible for presenting shooting review boards and in-custody death review boards.

Contact Numbers and Hours:

Homicide Main Line - (562) 570-7244, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday
Fax Line - (562) 570-5243

Officer Involved Shooting Investigation Process


The Robbery Detail detectives are responsible for investigating all forms of robbery, including street robberies, commercial robberies, bank robberies, and carjackings. In addition, detectives investigate grand theft persons' reports, extortions, and any kidnap for robbery.

Contact Numbers and Hours:

Robbery Main Line - (562) 570-7464, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday
Fax Line - (562) 570-7404

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: How do I decrease my chances of becoming a robbery victim?

A: Do not use cell phones or perform text messaging, I-PODS or any other electronic device while walking down the street, unless absolutely necessary.
Minimize your chances of being a victim by not revealing what valuables you have with you.
Also, if you are walking, walk with confidence and be aware of your surroundings. Avoid walking in alleyways. Stay on the well traveled streets.

Q: I own a business in Long Beach, how should I protect myself from robbery?

A: Keep a minimum of at least two employees on-duty at any given time.
Install an alarm and a good quality video camera system. Strategically place your cameras to capture FACIAL images of everyone entering your business. Cameras can also be a deterrent to would-be robbers.
If necessary, depending on the type of business, install bullet-proof, clear, bandit-barriers between you and the customers.

If you are victimized, be a good witness and provide as much detailed information as possible to the police.


The Violent Crimes Detail is a general investigative unit that handles crimes such as attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon, battery, assault on police officers, stalking, criminal threats, violation of restraining orders, cruelty to animals, threatening phone calls, and vandalism. Detectives are responsible for handling bomb threats, explosion investigations, processing of all firearms to determine ownership and returning the weapon to the owner if it was stolen, as well as determining if the weapon was involved in a crime. The detail is also responsible for tracking hate crimes for the Department of Justice.

Contact Numbers and Hours:

Violent Crimes Main Line - (562) 570-7250, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday
Fax Line - (562) 570-7279

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: How many cases does the Violent Crimes Detail handle per month?

A: We handle approximately 500-600 cases per month.

Q: Do all cases get assigned to a detective?

A: All cases are reviewed by the detail sergeant and if your case does not have any workable leads (ie. an identifiable suspect and /or evidence, the victim states that they do not wish prosecution or it does not meet the filing criteria), it will be closed and not assigned for further investigation.

Q: How long will it be before a detective is assigned my case?

A: It typically could take up to five days after you have filed your initial police report. You must file a report before a detective is able to review your case.&

Q: Can phone calls from an unidentifiable number to my cell phone be traced?

A: Annoying phone calls with no identifiable caller information are not able to be traced using conventional means. Phone traps are not available and phone companies are often not able to provide blocked caller information, even with a search warrant.
Therefore, investigative options are extremely limited. Without further evidence or information available these type of reports involving cell phones are not assigned for further investigation and are closed.

Q: My case was closed due to there being no workable leads. Can my case be re-opened if I obtain additional suspect information?

A: Of course. If you have additional suspect information, please call the Violent Crimes Detail and be ready to supply your crime report number and additional information. The case will then be re-evaluated and assigned to a detective if the new information has workable leads.


The Drug Investigations Section is responsible for investigating illegal drug sales occurring within the City of Long Beach. Field detectives are assigned to work throughout neighborhoods and commercial areas to enforce anti-drug laws in order to improve the quality of life.

If you believe you are witnessing illegal drug sales occurring at this time and need a patrol officer to respond immediately, please call LBPD Dispatch at (562) 435-6711 from your cellular telephone or in an emergency call 9-1-1 from your home phone.

If you would like to report illegal drug sales activity occurring in your neighborhood or elsewhere in the City of Long Beach and do not need a patrol officer to respond immediately, please call the 24-hour Narcotics Hotline at (562) 570-7125. Please be prepared to leave the following information for the field detectives:

  • The address or approximate location of the illegal drug sales activity
  • The type of drug you believe is being illegally sold
  • You can leave your name address and phone number if you wish to be contacted by a detective (or you can chose to remain anonymous)
  • If known, the age and name of the suspect (s), along with a physical description of the suspect(s), and their vehicle(s) and license plate number(s)
  • Be sure to tell us if you have seen the suspect(s) or their associate(s) with any guns, knives or other weapons, and any additional information you believe will be helpful for the detective's safety and drug investigation.
  • If you wish to speak to a detective in the Drug Investigations Section, please call (562) 570-7221 between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Please be prepared to provide the above information.


The Gang Enforcement Section is a field enforcement/investigations unit dealing specifically with gangs and gang-related criminal activity. The Gang Enforcement Section locates, identifies, interdicts and assists in the prosecution of gang-related crime.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Where do I report graffiti?

A: You can report locations vandalized with graffiti by calling the Graffiti Abatement Hotline at (562) 570-2773. A team of maintenance workers will then be sent to abate the graffiti. Prior to the graffiti abatement, photographs are taken of the vandalism for possible future investigation; however, a police report is not filed at that time. If you wish to file a police report for graffiti vandalism, please call LBPD Dispatch at (562) 435-6711 and an officer will be dispatched to take the report. If you see graffiti vandalism occurring, you are encouraged to call 9-1-1 or (562) 435-6711 to report the crime in progress. All 9-1-1 calls made from cell phones go directly to the Long Beach Police Department (as long as you are within city limits).

Q: What are some characteristics of gang involvement?

A: Parents and community members need to be aware of some of the characteristics of gang members or gang involvement. Prevention is the key to keeping youth from joining gangs. If warning signs are identified early, actions can be taken to direct youth away from gang activity. While each of these indicators viewed separately does not mean someone is a gang member or is involved in gang activity, the presence of multiple indicators would strongly suggest it.

  • Associating with a new set of friends, while ignoring old friends. Becoming secretive about the new friends and activities, who they are and what they do together. Receiving calls from or referring to new friends by street names.
  • Change in hair style and/or clothing or associating with other youths who have the same hair style and/or clothing. The change in dress habits might include a preference toward one color, team, clothing brand or sports logo, beads or bandannas. Hats, jackets, and/or shirts may also contain the gang's initials and/or the youth's street name.
  • Unexplained cash, new and expensive material items obtained with no means of support
  • Change in behavior at home, frequently out late, breaks curfews, rules and laws
  • Change in behavior at school; truancy, drop in grades, frequent detention or suspension
  • Shows little or no respect for parent/guardian or other authority figures
  • Graffiti, symbols or numeric codes seen on personal property in room, on books, backpacks, and/or inside baseball caps
  • Tattoos, brandings, carvings, or eraser burns on the body, of initials, numbers, symbols, etc.
  • Using hand signs or signals as communication when in the presence of peers
  • Usually shows fear of the police; is detained or arrested by the police frequently
  • Carrying weapons such as guns, knives, baseball bats, etc. Baseball bats frequently have graffiti writing on them
  • Indications of alcohol, drug, and/or inhalant use. Signs of inhalant use might include paint or "White-out" found on the youth's clothes, or an odor of chemicals on their clothes.

If several of the indicators listed above are present in your youth's life, there is a strong likelihood that your youth in involved in a gang. As a parent of guardian, you have the right to ensure the safety of your family and you may wish to search your youth's room or vehicle for weapons, drugs, or other items that could be harmful to them or others. This is not a violation of your child's privacy; it is an act that may protect your child as well as the rest of your family.

Q: What can I do to prevent my child from becoming involved in gangs?

A: Below are several suggestions:

  • Meet your children's friends; make it a point to meet each friend, learn where they live and who their parents are, then meet those parents
  • Establish rules for your children; set limits and be consistent in enforcing those rules. Young people need limits and will respond to those limits when properly enforced. Be firm but fair when disciplining, showing your children that you care about them and are concerned for their future.
  • Meet and discuss your child with their teachers and school counselors. Learn what areas you can focus on to help your child to achieve. Get involved in the PTA or other parent groups to have some involvement and input into the quality of education your child receives. Attending school functions shows your child that school is important.
  • When your child is going out, know where he/she is going, with whom he/she is going, and how they will get there. Set a reasonable time for the child to return home and enforce that time. If possible, provide enough money for the child to participate in the activity with the other children; this will prevent him/her from feeling the embarrassment that he/she cannot buy or do something that the others can.
  • Encourage your child to participate in sports or other activities; children want and need to belong and be part of something. Support other outside interests such as scouting, hobbies, church, etc, these build self-esteem and give the child the feeling that he/she belongs to something worthwhile.

Be aware that the same child who will not obey the rules at home is the same child who will obey the rules of the gang, because the gang demands it.

Special Investigations Division (2024)


What does a special investigations officer do? ›

OSI Agents operate throughout the full spectrum of warfare. Armed with elite investigative training and state-of-the-art technology, OSI agents identify, exploit and neutralize criminal, terrorist and intelligence threats to the Department of the Airforce, Department of Defense and U.S. Government.

What is the main duty of the special investigation branch? ›

Its primary responsibilities are criminal investigations and counterintelligence services. OSI exists to: Defend the Nation, Pursue Justice, Protect the Department of the Air Force and Find the Truth. OSI has more than 2,000 military and civilian federally credentialed special agents.

What is a special investigation? ›

A special investigation may often be established for incidents that have generated a significant amount of political and/or media attention.”1 A special investigation is tasked with reviewing and recording facts related to the incident under investigation and providing recommendations on how to address the operational, ...

Is there an army equivalent to NCIS? ›

Yes, the Army Criminal Investigation Division (CID) serves as the Army equivalent of the NCIS. Service members should familiarize themselves with these agencies if they or someone they know has to deal with them. If you wish to learn more about life in the military, explore the SCRACVS website further.

How much do OSI agents make? ›

The average Special Agent base salary at U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations is $138K per year.

What is the difference between an investigator and a special investigator? ›

The top three skills for an investigator include law enforcement agencies, management system and customer service. The most important skills for a special investigator are law enforcement agencies, background checks, and child abuse.

What is the purpose of the special investigation unit? ›

The primary mandate of the SIU is to investigate serious allegations of corruption, malpractice and maladministration in the administration of State institutions, State assets and public money as well as any conduct which may seriously harm the interests of the public, and to recover any financial losses suffered by ...

What does SIU mean in police? ›

Special Investigative Unit in More Detail

In the public sector, a Special Investigative Unit may refer to an internal investigative unit of a law enforcement agency. This type of SIU typically investigates allegations of police misconduct or corruption, or high-profile or sensitive criminal cases.

How long is OSI training? ›

Training and physical requirements

The candidates attend the 12-week Criminal Investigator Training Program with other federal law enforcement trainees. That course is followed by eight weeks of OSI agency-specific coursework, at the U.S. Air Force Special Investigations Academy (USAFSIA), co-located at FLETC.

What is the difference between a detective and an investigation? ›

A detective is employed by a law enforcement agency, such as a city police department. In contrast, a private investigator is hired by individuals and companies to conduct investigations.

What is the meaning of SIU? ›

A special investigative unit within an insurance company is charged with detecting and pursuing action against fraudulent activities on the part of insureds or claimants.

What is the difference between a special agent and a criminal investigator? ›

HSI criminal investigators, also referred to as special agents, conduct criminal and civil investigations involving national security threats, terrorism, drug smuggling, child exploitation, human trafficking, illegal arms export, financial crimes, identity fraud, benefit fraud, commercial fraud and more.

Is NCIS or FBI better? ›

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) scored higher in 7 areas: Overall Rating, Culture & Values, Diversity & Inclusion, Work-life balance, Compensation & Benefits, Career Opportunities and CEO Approval. NCIS scored higher in 3 areas: Senior Management, Recommend to a friend and Positive Business Outlook.

Do NCIS agents carry guns? ›

Yes, NCIS Special Agents are required to carry firearms and periodically qualify with their service weapon. Firearm instruction is included in the basic agent training program.

What rank does an NCIS agent have? ›

Rank structure
Field elementsHeadquarters elementsPay Grade (Based on assignment)
Special Agent (SA)GS-7 – GS-13
Supervisory Special Agent (SSA)GS-13 – GS-14
Assistant Special Agent in Charge (ASAC)Division Chief †GS-14
Special Agent in Charge (SAC)Deputy Assistant Director (DAD) †GS-15
5 more rows

What is an investigations officer? ›

In this role, you will be responsible for finding evidence that could bring offenders to justice. Although this role is an equivalent level to a Detective Constable you will work as a member of Police Staff.

What do you need to be a OSI officer? ›

born or naturalized U.S. citizen. Must have a valid driver's license. Must pass all phases of the hiring process, including psychological evaluation, medical exam, drug test, and extensive background investigation. Must be able to obtain and maintain a Top-Secret clearance and pass a polygraph.

What do special agents investigate? ›

With duties that range from financial crimes to cybersecurity, our special agents utilize cutting-edge strategies to mitigate threats to our nation's leaders at home and abroad.


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Author: Frankie Dare

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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.